Smart Energy

Optimize energy consumption, cut costs, and reach sustainability goals with a Smart Energy management solution.

Smart Energy Management

Smart Energy

Smart Energy management solutions use cutting-edge technology and sophisticated systems to maximize the clever utilization of energy, lower its wastage and the expenses on it in several contexts, such as smart factories and smart homes.

This real-time monitoring of energy and its management is possible due to the use of IoT-based sensors and communication devices that also incorporate AI and advanced analytics to derive the maximum value from an energy source.

A Smart Energy management system allows businesses to actively monitor, reduce consumption and wastage of energy, leading to great cists savings. They may also use it to spot areas where they can save energy, and put automatic measures in place to maximize energy efficiency.

  • Smart meters for real-time energy consumption monitoring and integration with renewable energy sources like solar panels.
  • Demand response capabilities to optimize grid usage.
  • Automated appliances and lighting control for energy savings.
  • AI-driven energy analytics for usage patterns and recommendations.
  • Time-of-use pricing integration to encourage off-peak consumption and electric vehicle charging management and scheduling.
  • Energy storage systems for load balancing and backup power.


Smart Energy Monitoring

Want to get value by Smart Energy Management Solution?

Benefit from our 19 years of IoT and Industrial IoT experience. Get the best Smart Energy management solution for your factory or commercial establishment.

Smart Energy Monitoring

OTI Node

Key Features:

  • 3-Phase 3-Phase current measurement and 24-bit ADC resolution
  • 5KHz Sampling frequency and 0.2 Class measurement accuracy
  • Easy to install with external CT for configurable current range
  • Industry standard RS485 protocol


Installed at individual motors to monitor the value and behavior of the drawn current. It collects all physical quantities from operational technologies at pumping station, there are several types of IoT NODES deployed at the edge which convert the physical value into a digital value.


This gateway works as a centralized element to manage all IIoT NODES deployed on the field using secure wireless communication. It has inbuilt user-configurable algorithms to take critical decisions and actions via NODES. It works as a key element managing the local as well as remote networks using Ethernet/WiFi connectivity, hence providing user configuration features for add/remove the NODES in the local network.

Key Features:

Efficient Processor: 900 MHz, Quad core ARM Cortex A7 CPU, 1 GB RAM, 16 GB on-board storage memory, 64 GB external memory support, ARM GNU/Linux Operating System, Wireless Local connectivity using 2.4 GHz ZigBee, Cloud connectivity using 802.11 b/g/n WiFi, 10/100 Base T Ethernet, Easy to install and light weight.


Works as an intelligent intermediator between OT & IT. Manage all field NODES using a secure wireless local network, communication for data acquisition, and control action as per configuration. It takes the dataset to the Cloud/Server for further analysis and presentation. We have integrated the feature for Manual/Automated operation depends on the situation.

Smart Energy Monitoring

Our Features

Energy optimization and predictive analytics

Our company enables businesses to optimize the use of energy in their production facilities, ensuring that the energy is well-used. We also use predictive analytics to decide if there will be any shortfall of energy in the facility in the future by also looking at market demand and another factors.

Integration with smart grid and renewable energy sources

Our IoT-based solutions integrate with the smart grid and other renewable energy sources, to ensure that there is a steady flow of energy and probably even lead to cost-savings in certain seasons like summer, when sunlight is abundant. The integration with the smart grid also allows easy back of energy to a local power source from where it can be drawn when needed.

Automated demand response capabilities

We provide automated demand response capabilities by equipping utility providers with IoT-based systems that monitor energy demdand and adjust the flow of electricity to match the demand. This is done in an automated manner, thereby reducing the risk of human error.

Real-time energy monitoring and analytics

We do real-time energy monitoring and analytics, which udnerstands how energy is being used in the company, the current efficiency of its distribution and how energy can be saved and spent in the best possible way.

Industries Use Cases



Manufacturing facilities utilize smart energy management systems to monitor and control energy usage in production processes, equipment, and lighting, optimizing energy efficiency and reducing operational costs.


Commercial Buildings

Offices, shopping malls, hotels, and other commercial buildings implement smart energy management systems to monitor and adjust heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), lighting, and other systems based on occupancy and usage patterns, reducing energy waste and improving comfort.



Retail stores deploy smart energy management systems to monitor and control lighting, heating, cooling, and refrigeration systems, optimizing energy usage while maintaining optimal shopping environments.



Hospitals and healthcare facilities use smart energy management systems to monitor and regulate energy usage in medical equipment, lighting, HVAC systems, and other areas, ensuring efficient operations and reducing costs without compromising patient care.



Automotive companies implement smart energy management systems in vehicles, warehouses, and logistics operations to optimize fuel consumption, reduce emissions, and improve fleet efficiency.



Agricultural businesses deploy smart energy management systems to monitor and optimize energy usage in irrigation systems, greenhouses, lighting, and other agricultural processes, improving crop yields while minimizing energy costs and environmental impact.

Why to choose Optimized Technologies Inc.?

Optimized Technologies Inc. is an end-to-end IoT solutions provider, offering comprehensive services to businesses seeking to leverage the power of connected devices. We enable organizations to seamlessly integrate IoT technology into their operations, driving efficiency and innovation. With expertise in device connectivity, data management, analytics, and application development, we deliver tailored solutions that address specific challenges. Our expertise spans across industries, and our commitment to excellence ensures that our clients receive the highest level of service and support throughout their IoT journey. Partner with us to embark on a transformative IoT journey and unlock new possibilities for your business.








Optimized Technologies Inc.

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